Sculpting Project

Style Ideas:

Lots of alternation between sharp lines and curves.

( Carlos Ruiz – Aaron Bard )

Again, same thing, strong defining lines and shapes:

( Carlos Ruiz – Diana Prince )

A very exaggerated face shape. Alternation between straight lines and curves, circles.

( Carlos Ruiz – 0708 Crone )

(Tan Zhi Hui – Garrison


Slightly bigger heads maybe? For that caricature effect.asdadad

( Julien Accettola – Rick Grimmes )

Or a disney/pixar cartoony style:

( Anastacia Loginova – Characters For Practice )

( Anastacia Loginova – Characters For Practice )

Personally, I adhere towards something like this:

Very boxy, sharp style.


( Johannes Helgeson – Thief )

For the theme, I thought of something rough, characters living in a rough, unwelcoming, stormy, dusty environment. A wasteland-like place. After thinking a bit what we all have in common, I took the most obvious thing and that is that all 3 of us come from Eastern Europe, we all have in common growing up in a rough, unforgiving environment. What other better way to portray that than through a futuristic wasteland theme.

Few ideas of the type of character living in such a world:

(Miroslav Dimitrov – Rebel Girl 2

(Ignacio Fernandez Rios – Maschinen Project 14

( Michael Ledger – Dusk )

Of course, we need to keep things quite simple, so the final design doesn’t need to have as much detail. It could be simple like this:

(Ignacio Fernandez Rios – The collector

Possible backstory: we are all mercenaries. Taking care of things for some spare money. Doing jobs that nobody would, to feed our empty stomachs.

Each of us would have a specific role in our missions.


For example, Ieva, after looking at her mind map she realised she could be a mechanic, or a warrior. The mechanic role would fit great, she would be the one creating all the armour for the group, would be fixing anything that doesn’t work. She could also be the warrior of the group, the one with the raw fighting skills. However, I think that mechanic would me more interesting to design with all the possible props and outfits.


After taking a better look at my background and interests I stumbled upon something very interesting. My grandma knew very old stories, and would even have her own secret remedies for pain. She also knew a spell that her mother taught her to expel any pain and bad energy that she always used on my grandad and it worked! Yes that’s right, a SPELL. We also used to pick up flowers and herbs for teas. Also I am interested in crystals and the power they have. SO what better role would I take, than the alchemist of the group. I would be healing my group, maybe even dwell into voodoo and potions?

Other possible roles for myself: musician, witch.


I see Nicole as an expert navigator. She’d be the one leading the way, knowing where to go at any time, knowing the stars and winds and seas. She’d also be a very skilled aviator, or driver. She would always carry a map and binoculars.

Of course, just an idea, but I really feel that everything fits in well.

Ideas for my character’s face:


Looking at props:

After establishing what type of environment and world the characters live in, and what their backstories are, I set to look more into post apocalyptic worlds. I thought I’d take a look at Dead Space, a science fiction survival horror video game, based on a mechanic facing dysgenics. The game has a lot of cool designs, from clothes, to environments and creatures.



Costumes and props:

I thought I’d look at natural disasters too, like Pompeii and it’s ruins after the volcanic eruption.

Related image

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the ruins of pompeii                                                                                                                                                     More

Pompeii, ca. 1880-1890

Hands clenched in agony.  Pompeii body cast.

Ancient Road in Pompeii, Campagne, Italy.  The John Sinclair novel SUMMER OF FIRE  is about volcanoes in Italy.

A quick concept sketch

me concept1

I realized this design was a bit too voodoo looking and less alchemist looking so I went back and redesigned my character. Still thinking of what kind of mutation I would have. Maybe horns?







Matching styles:

style comparison.jpg

Rough story of my character:

Journal Entry 01:

When I was 13 I killed my first man.

Entry 01.

I never met my mom. She died after giving birth to me in an abandoned school next to a pile of junk which once used to be our home. After the bombing and radiation, everyone was left on their own. My grandma is all I have. She’s sick though, I’m trying everything I can to make her feel better but there’s little hope left. I’m quite certain she’ll be gone soon. I’m learning a lot from her though. Her alchemy skills are amazing. She’s teaching me how to create remedies for pain, and how to protect myself from danger with potions and tricks. I’m currently working on developing a potion similar to rat poison that will hopefully get rid of all the pests here and make this place a bit better. Wish me luck! Hopefully I won’t burn this place down.

Entry 02.

You wouldn’t believe this! This sneaky ANNOYING little boy sneaked into our lab and drank one of the rat potions. I saw him with my own eyes! He would’ve been dead in minutes yet he’s completely fine. A little too fine. He won’t leave me alone, he thinks I’m his sister and keeps breaking and messing with my things. I can’t reason with him. I guess we’ll just keep him here. I’m really curious why he didn’t react to my poison. So…diary, welcome Stephan to the family!

Entry 03.

Grandma is gone. She died last night in her sleep. I somehow sensed she was going to. That’s why yesterday I spent all my time with her. I remember looking at her and thinking she’s beautiful. Wrinkly skin, dirty nails and hands, ragged clothes, unwashed hair and still, she was the most beautiful woman I’ve seen. Because she was smiling. Even though she was in great pain. She was happy to be with me and Stephan. Today we will bury her in the school’s playground.

Entry 04.

We’re trapped. This man is keeping us here, there’s no way to escape. I knew I shouldn’t have checked on that strange sound that night. He was stealing from my lab. I should’ve let my pride down and hide with Stephan. But that was my work, I had to protect it! I can’t forget the feeling I had when he grabbed Stephan and threatened to burn him alive. I had to do something. I offered the only thing I have left. My skills. Now we’re both trapped here, doing work for this Psycho. I never learnt his name. Every day I’m looking for a way to escape.

Entry 05.

This man is mad. He keeps talking about spirits, fire, burning villages, a girl named Ana, poisoning his friends. I’m scared that one day he’ll snap and just kill us both. I have to do something.

Entry 06.

My hands and arms are ruined. I’m a monster. I started experimenting with acids and something went terribly wrong. Acid splashed on my arms, all the way up to my elbows. I took me 3 months to recover and I’m still in terrible pain. Psycho didn’t care. He was mad at me for not being able to do my work as fast as I used to. “I have customers waiting you know? Get your **** together and start working faster!” he says. I plan to kill him.

Entry 07.

At 13 I killed my first man. Acid to his face and chest. I don’t regret it one bit. I feel no remorse or guilt. I did what had to be done. The smell is terrible, but at least he’s gone. I plan to use his skull for keeping herbs, as a reminder. A reminder that if you don’t get them first, they will. We’ll clean everything and take his shelter as our new home. I’ll start selling the potions myself. Hopefully we can make a living for ourselves, finally. Stephan thinks I’m going mad. I think it’s called adapting. After all, it’s a crazy world out there..

poses shapes.jpg

Quick pose with the concept on:

Design on the pose quick.jpg

Possible colours we could use:

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Rendering the final full body:


final rendered drawing lineart

Flat colours:

Flat colours

final rendered drawing2

3 styles2.jpg

Taking a break:

taking a break.jpg








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